Bolshoy Boulevard
30, bld. 1
about event
Every year Skoltech traditionally gathers representatives of business with advance technologies to discuss cooperation between science and industry, analyze the best practices of interaction between companies and scientists, introduce students to the best companies and exchange experience in the development and transfer of technologies and knowledge
  • Skoltech students' presentations of industrial immersion projects
  • career opportunities fair from leading partner companies
  • networking of students, employers, and scientists
  • discussions on the key trends of technologies development
Welcome coffee & networking
Main Hall
Language - English
Translation is provided
Plenary session
Universities and industry in 2022: what has changed and how to work now
M&S Decisions
Senior Researcher
Technological sovereignty: challenges and opportunities for cooperation between science and industry
PhD, Head of Research group at Skoltech Applied AI center, Associate Professor at MIPT General Physics Department
Scientific and technical competencies and industrial developments of the Skoltech Applied AI Center
Vein CV
CEO, Founder of Vein CV, Senior Reasercher at Skoltech Applied AI center, PhD
Vein CV: bridge between science and industry
Awarding the best summer Industrial Immersion projects

MSc students' projects within the program "Industrial Immersion 2022"
Main Hall,
B2, B4,
  • Poster Session: 190 projects 2022
  • Career opportunities fair from leading employers
  • Networking
Discussion Sessions
AI for sustainable development of industry. Competences and products
15:00 - 18:00
Meeting with representatives of the Skoltech Center for Applied AI.
Participation by invitation. Please send your request to email:, in the subject line indicate "Meeting with the AI center"

Neurotechnologies in healthcare and medicine: Rehabilitation
The Vladimir Zelman Center for Neurobiology and Brain rehabilitation develops the latest rehabilitation methods using modern achievements in the field of molecular biology and neurophysiology. During the Round table, the research domains of the center, scientific and clinical results of some projects will be presented. Medical centers and industrial partners will participate in the round table to present results of some projects.


12:30 -13:00 Presentation of the Vladimir Zelman Center for Neurobiology and Brain rehabilitation, research domains and priorities of the center, Natalya Podsosonnaya, Deputy Director for Development.

13:00 Molecular neurobiology
Prof. Philip Khaitovich, prof. Yuri Kotelevtsev and others.

· Search for biomarkers of mental disorders and development of testing methods - Anna Tkachev, JRS, Skoltech PhD alumni and Elena Stekolshchikova, RS together with Alekseev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No.1;
· Small interfering RNA (siRNA) approaches for cell therapy - Noreen Halimani, Skoltech PhD student (3-Y) together with RNIMU Pirogov, Kulacov center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Research Institute of Human Morpholog

13:40 Neurophysiology, BCIs and biomaterials
Prof. Gleb Sukhorukov, prof. Pavel Musienko, prof. Nikolay Koshev and others.

· Invasive neurotechnologies. Clinical case studies - Gurgen Sogoyan, Skoltech PhD student (2nd year) and trainee researcher together with LLC "Motorica" (Sk);
· Post-stroke rehabilitation of upper and lower limbs with robotic simulators based on BCIs with VR - Alice Kokorina, Skoltech PhD student (1st year) and trainee researcher together with the Federal Medical Center, MCCP MRVSM MDH and Vibraint Rus;
· Additive technologies in neurosurgery and neuromodulation – Prof. Pavel Musienko;
· Smart bio-coatings for implants - Olga Sindeeva, RS and Arkady Abdurashitov, JRS together with the Ministry of Health SamSMU;
· Non-invasive solid-state magnetoencephalography - Prof.Nikolay Koshev and Anna Butorina, JRS together with QLU, RCC group.

14:30 Projects of partner companies:

Projects of partner companies:
· ELVIS – sensory neuroimplants: visual, cochlear, DBS - Denis Kuleshov, General Director of Sensor-Tech LLC (Sk);
· NOE – Emoavatars in Metaverse Neuromarketing - Andrey Demchinsky, General Director of NОЕ(Sk).
· Presentation of the Neuronet NTI Infrastructure Center - Andrey Bogdanov, Director.
· Cybathletics – The Championship of people with advanced capabilities, a training ground for high-tech assistive devices and the Union of TSR Manufacturers - Vitaly Anikeev, Leader of Acceleration program.
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Skoltech can be reached by MCD trains and city buses

MCD (line D1)
  • Go to Skolkovo station
  • Change to the free Sk bus and get to the Skoltech stop
Direct city buses (directly to the Skoltech stop)
  • No. 1147 from metro Troparevo
  • No. 1147s from TPU Solnechnay
City buses (Moscow - Skolkovo Technopark, then take internal free Sk buses to get to the Skoltech)
  • No. 818e from metro Slavyansky Boulevard (express)
  • No. 867 from metro Molodezhnaya
  • No. 819k from metro Slavyansky Boulevard